Parsippany Hills High School Academic Decathlon
Posted on 03/09/2017 from the Parsippany – Troy Hills Board of Ed site
After placing second in the region last month, the Parsippany Hills High School Academic Decathlon (AcDec) Team participated in the New Jersey State Competition on Saturday, March 4 at Ramapo High School. Parsippany Hills High School’s team of eight members and five alternates placed third in the state and third for the Super Quiz. Team members who participated were: Cavin Anbuselvam, Peter Chiu, Ananya Iyengar, Tara Kakkaramadam, Rakshay Kanthadai, Patricia Nguyen, Saketh Nibhanupudi, and Rahul Shah. Alternate team members who participated were: Steven Feng, Amy Liu, Mann Pandya, Meliton Rulloda and Kevin Yang. Overall, the Parsippany Hills High School team took home almost 30 awards and honors for the state competition.
Academic Decathlon is a 10-event scholastic competition for high school students. The events include math, science, social science, literature, economics, art, music, speech, essay and interview. This year’s theme is World War II. Team coaches are Jaclyn Bevacqua, Italian teacher and Jacqueline Forte, Spanish teacher.