On March 25, 2017, Rishi Sai Konkesa of Boy Scout Troop 173 in Parsippany was honored at a special court of honor ceremony for achieving the Eagle Scout award, Boy Scouting’s highest honor.
In order to achieve his Eagle Scout rank, Rishi earned the twenty-one requisite merit badges as well as nine additional merit badges and served a variety of leadership positions within his troop including Senior Patrol Leader. To complete his Eagle Scout rank, Rishi completed an Eagle Scout project to benefit the Parsippany – Troy Hills Parks and Recreation Department where he created a trail system with three walking paths in Lake Parsippany Municipal Park. He also constructed a kiosk with trail information and a forty-five foot stone walking path near the sitting area. During his journey to completing the rank of Eagle Scout, Rishi compiled a total of seventy-nine camping nights and compiled 127 hours of community service.
In attendance was Mayor James Barberio who read a Proclamation hereby proclaiming March 25, 2017 as the day for Parsippany citizens to commend Rishi Konkesa in the attainment of the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America and recognize his dedication to his community, state and this great nation. Mayor also stated; “I am proud of Rishi and his commitment to the community of Parsippany.”
Also in attendance was Council President Lou Valori and Councilman Michael dePierro who presented a certificate to Rishi.